Aliens: Alchemy is a three-issue limited comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics from September-December 1997. The story was written by John Arcudi, with art and painted covers by Richard Corben. It was colored by John Pound and edited by Philip Amara.
Alchemy was eventually collected alongside other Aliens comics in Aliens: Omnibus, Volume 5 in October 2008.
In the Aliens comics line, Aliens: Alchemy was preceded by Aliens: Purge (August 1997), was published concurrently with the two-part film-adaptation Alien: Resurrection (October-November 1997), and was followed by the miniseries Aliens: Kidnapped (December 1997-February 2008).
Official description of individual issues:
- "Toch's a second-generation survivor, born of a transport crew that crash-landed on a deserted, backwater planet. He may have discovered a means of getting off the mudball, but he's also discovered another impediment -- the deadly cargo the ship was carrying!"
- "It's the end of the world and the almighty First Father hath sent a plague of Aliens. Give your faith to him or face an eternity of damnation."
- "The end of the world is at hand, and an eternity of damnation awaits. But two siblings, Toch and Rachel, aren't buying into all the death and destruction. They have a hunch that salvation rests within the haunted transport ship that brought their ancestors to the planet hundreds of years ago. But there might be an Alien or two along the way!"
Behind the Scenes[]
A veteran Aliens comics writer, John Arcudi formerly wrote Aliens: Stronghold for Dark Horse in 1994, as well famously being the writer of The Mask series for the company earlier.
In 2009 Arcudi was chosen to relaunch both the Aliens and Predator line of comic books by Dark Horse, becoming the writer of new miniseries for both titles, Aliens (2009) and Predator (2009).
Artist Richard Corben was also the artist on the story Predator: 1718, and of the covers for the series Aliens vs. Predator: War, among work on other A/P/AVP-universe projects.